Creating a Wallchart in RootsMagic
Use RootsMagic (version 2.0 or later) to create your wallchart. Your chart
will be opened in the RootsMagic Chart program for you to customize the chart.
You can add pictures, text, background image and colors, and rearrange and size
boxes to make sure the data is displayed and positioned the way you want it.
Save your chart using the "File > Save" command from the RootsMagic Chart menu.
If you need to make more changes to your chart later you can open the saved chart
in RootsMagic Chart using the "File > Open" command from the menu. Make
sure you pay attention to where you save the chart (it will have a .RMC extension),
since that is the file you will send us to print. Also do "File > Properties"
from the chart program and note the size of the actual chart, since you will need
to specify the chart size when ordering.
Some charts (most notably descendant charts) can be very short and wide. You
can save money if you can rearrange boxes on the chart to use the full 2 foot paper
height and narrow the chart.