RootsMagic and FamilySearch

RootsMagic - FamilySearch Compatible Solution

RootsMagic is the award-winning, FamilySearch Certified genealogy program that makes family history easy! More people use RootsMagic to work with FamilySearch Family Tree than any other software.


Use RootsMagic to search the free FamilySearch Family Tree with work contributed by millions of users around the world. Participate in discussions, share notes, and view a change history for each of your ancestors.

Find & Share Data

At your discretion, share the information you do have and retrieve the information you don't have, all with the click of a mouse. The award-winning "Easiest to Sync" screen lets you match, copy, and clean names, events, parents, spouses, and children all in one place.

Document Your Work

Record your sources and research in RootsMagic and copy them to and from FamilySearch Family Tree.

Latter-day Saint Features

Quickly find, reserve, and track needed Latter-day Saint temple ordinances from the comfort of your own home.


Starting from scratch? Download your entire tree from FamilySearch.

Find Online Records

RootsMagic's WebHints, the industry's first multi-provider hinting engine, automatically finds family records from a variety of online resources.

Stay Organized

The "Best Dashboard" award-winning FamilySearch Central screen tells you what's new, what's changed, and what you need to do next.