Welcome, Ancestry® Members!

RootsMagic TreeShare and WebHints for Ancestry

If you're a member of Ancestry, RootsMagic gives you access to Ancestry's records and online trees from right within our software.

TreeShare for Ancestry

Move data between your RootsMagic files on your computers and your personal Ancestry online trees. Transfer people, events, notes, source citations, and even pictures between the two systems.

Share and collaborate with others by giving family members access to your Ancestry online tree. Using the new TreeShare feature, family members can then synchronize the latest changes and additions to both the online tree and their desktop computers.

Ancestry Hints Integration

RootsMagic leverages the Ancestry Hints capability, and as possible matches are found, users may conveniently review them from within the software. RootsMagic then lets you add new information and media from matching records into your file.